“Our people are the foundation of our success.” This is a motto that everyone here at Digital Winners abides by. In light of the recent pandemic we could not remain inactive, of course. After careful consideration we decided that we will be switching to full remote work mode until the current situation with Covid-19 fades out.
We had proactively built all the necessary infrastructure for this move, so the switch to full remote did not prove to be a huge challenge. It’s of the utmost importance to all of us that our employees remain healthy first, not endangering their safety by using public transportation to get to work, or by visiting crowded places. We’re maintaining the regular flow of our operations for our entire portfolio of brands, with slight adjustments due to the cancellation of various sports events around the world.
We’ve got quite a few new projects coming up, and we’re excited to remain busy even during this challenging time. Digital Winners is following all the latest updates on the CoronaVirus to ensure that we remain in remote work mode for as long as we need, so as to not jeopardize the safety of our employees.
We’re holding our regular Skype conferences every day so that everyone is kept up to speed on the progress of different projects, and we’ve even introduced our beloved “Afterwork Friday Drinks Online”, where everyone is having their favorite drink/cocktail after work on Fridays and having a chat from the safety of their home in our group chat session. It turns out to be quite a success, and a regular continuation of our normal “Afterwork Friday Drinks” which we have been doing for many years now.